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Traumatic injuries to the head, mouth and teeth can have significant long term impacts. Timing is key to the effective treatment of dental trauma. If you or your child suffer any accident injuries to your mouth or teeth, it is important to visit the dentist as soon as possible so that we are able to provide emergency treatment and prevent any infection or irreversible damage.

Download the free ToothSOS App by the International Association of Dental Traumatology (IADT). The app provides simple instructions to follow in the case of a dental emergency as well as useful information about minimising and preventing dental injuries. 

If life threatening injuries occur call 000 or head to your local emergency department. 

Tips & Tricks if a Tooth is Knocked Out: 

  • Keep the patient calm
  • Only touch the tooth by the crown (the white part of the tooth you can see in the mouth)
  • Gently rinse the root of the tooth if it is dirty (saline, saliva or milk)
  • If it is an adult tooth, put it back in place immediately and bite down on a towel or hold with finger pressure
  • Visit a dentist ASAP (tooth survival is best in the first hour)
  • If you cannot put the tooth back in place, store it in a cup of saline, saliva or milk and bring it to the dentist ASAP